Thursday, February 14, 2019


IFCSS Statement: We Condemn Chinese Students Who Harassed Uyghurs and Tibetans

February 14, 2019

The Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in USA (IFCSS) is deeply concerned about some recent incidents at Duke University (United States), University College Dublin (Ireland), McMaster University (Canada), the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Strasbourg (France) and in an Amsterdam square (the Netherlands), in which apparently organized pro-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) students harassed, abused and threatened Uyghur and Tibetan students, concerned scholars and activists. We strongly denounce these Chinese students’ efforts to stymie free speech and suppress the truth about the ongoing genocidal crimes committed by China's murderous regime. We ask US, Irish, Canadian, French and Dutch authorities to protect Uyghur and Tibetan students and scholars from intimidation on campus and guard their citizens of Uyghur and Tibetan backgrounds against foreign threats at home. We also urge relevant law enforcement agencies to look into possible criminal violations in these incidents and investigate any Chinese government ties that may have manipulated some Chinese student organizations into such violations.


Drafted by IFCSS Council (Council member Wenhe Lu opposes this statement).
Co-signed by:
Perry Link (林培瑞, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University, United States)
Paul Mooney (慕亦仁, Journalist, Reuters, United States)
Henry Leperlier (罗维文, Lecturer, Dublín Institute of Technology, Ireland)
Fengsuo Zhou (周锋锁, President, Humanitarian China, United States)
Ilshat Hassan Kokbore (伊利夏提, President, Uyghur American Association, United States)
Ralph Litzinger (Professor, Duke University, United States)
Yutong Su (苏雨桐, Journalist, Germany)
Biao Teng (滕彪, Visiting Scholar, New York University, United States)
Xue Li (李雪, Student, Parsons School of Design, United States)
Yijiang Liu (刘奕江, Graduate of University of Connecticut, United States)
Xin Jin (金鑫, Student, Indiana University Bloomington, United States)
Yeliang Xia (夏业良, Former Professor of Peking University, United States)
Mikael F. Krangggul (Student, Spain)
Ismail Ma (马聚, Commentator, United States)
Kevin Carrico (凯大熊, Lecturer, Monash, University, Australia)
Anquan He (何岸泉, Therapist, United States)
Lebao Wu (吴乐宝, Student, Australian National University, Australia)
Ho Kai Hung (Engineer, Hong Kong)
Stanley Sun (孙得友, Student, Taiwan)
Cecelia Agnes Ling (Animal Care Worker, Malaysia)
Muen Chen (Student, Fordham University, United States)

Monday, December 24, 2018


2018年12月22日,全美中国学生学者自治联合会理事会召开会议,决定将于2019年6月1日(星期六)在美国首都华盛顿特区的中共国驻美大使馆前连续第30年主办"六四"烛光纪念会,以悼念在1989年民主运动中牺牲的人们。届时全美学自联还将颁布2019年度全美学自联"自由精神奖"(Spirit of Freedom Award),现特别向社会公开征集自由精神奖提名,提名截止日期为2019年5月10日。


"自由精神奖"由全美学自联理事会2001年决议设立,其目的是颂扬和表彰中国公民不畏专制恐怖、蔑视极权强暴的勇气,和以良知、 鲜血以致生命追求自由的精神。"自由精神奖"一向开放接受社会各界提名,被提名者应现居中国,奖金每人一千美元。



Monday, April 16, 2018

IFCSS Statement on the Pass Away of Lois Wheeler Snow 全美学自联关于斯诺夫人去世的声明



自1989年以来,斯诺夫人不仅明确表示站在中国人民的一边,而且坚持对中共的暴行进行批评,并坚定地支持6.4屠杀的受难者及活动人士。 2000年春,年已79岁的斯诺夫人在儿子克里斯托弗




April 15, 2018
IFCSS Statement on the Pass Away of Lois Wheeler Snow
The Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars expresses its sorrow of the pass away of Mrs. Lois Wheeler Snow, a former actress and writer whose criticism of human rights abuses in China who passed away on April 3, 2018, in Switzerland, at the age of 97.  As the widow of the American journalist Edgar Snow, the author of the landmark book “Red Star Over China,” which had profound impact to the report and rise of the Chinese Communist regime, we praise Mrs. Snow’s effort and contribution to support justice, democracy and human rights in China, when the June 4 Massacre in Beijing in 1989 and other atrocity by the Communist regime in China totally shocked her.
Since 1989, Mrs. Snow has not only explicitly expressed her will to stand on the side of the Chinese people, but also become a consistent critic of the atrocity by the Chinese Communist regime, as well as to take firm actions supporting the victims and activists alike.  In the spring of 2000, then 79 years old Mrs. Snow, accompanied by her son Christopher Snow, went to Beijing, in an effort to support Tiananmen Mothers, especially to give a book of her husband's photographs and writings, money and moral support to Ding Zilin, whose 17-year-old son was among those killed when troops crushed the pro-democracy demonstrations.
In June 2000, Mrs. Snow come all the way from Switzerland to Washington DC, at the invitation of IFCSS, to attend the 11thmemorial service for the victims of June 4 massacre in front of the Chinese embassy.  “It just woke me up.” She talked about her change.  Although she passed away, her spirit and her conscience surely serve as a great inspiration for us all. 
Rest in peace, Mrs. Lois Wheeler Snow!
The Independent Federation of the Chinese Students and Scholars, USA


Friday, March 30, 2018


全美中国学生学者自治联合会(全美学自联)得悉我们中国民主运动的英雄余志坚先生的逝世一周年纪念将于2018年3月31日上午10点于印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的Crownhill Cemetery余志坚先生的墓地举行,全美学自联将派代表参加,并呼吁各界以各种方式纪念余志坚先生。


全美学自联认为在今天这样的环境中纪念余志坚先生具有特别的意义。 全美学自联从来就认为中华人民共和国政府从其成立的第一天开始就没有通过选举,没有得到过人民的授权,因此中华人民共和国没有一天是合法的。 而当今政府更为荒唐的是通过修改伪宪法取消对国家主席任期的限制,使中共政权背离世界潮流越来越远。如果余志坚先生仍然健在,他应该会再次号召我们起来,以人民的名义反对共产党专制。




Tuesday, February 27, 2018







2018225日,全美学自联理事会召开会议,全体7名理事参加。会议决议全美中国学生学者自治联合会将于201862日(星期六)在美国首都华盛顿特区的中共驻美大使馆前连续第29年主办"六四"烛光纪念会,以悼念在1989年民主运动中牺牲的人们。同时,全美学自联还将在纪念会上颁布2018年度全美学自联"自由精神奖"(Spirit of Freedom Award),自由精神奖提名向社会公开,提名截止日期为2018512日。

全美学自联邀请国际社会各界、各族人士参加本届"六四"纪念会,也欢迎有志于追求中国实现民主自由的组织协办本次活动,以表达我们对六四死难英烈的哀思和争取中国早日民主化的希望。活动时间是201862日晚上7点至9点半,地点在中共驻美大使馆前的公园, 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008-3025

"自由精神奖"由全美学自联理事会2001年决议设立,其目的是颂扬和表彰中国公民不畏专制恐怖、蔑视极权强暴的勇气,和以良知、 鲜血以致生命追求自由的精神。"自由精神奖"一向开放接受社会各界提名,被提名者应现居中国,奖金每人一千美元。

2002年授予胡石根;2003年授予江棋生;2004年授予赵常青; 2005年授予喻华峰;2006"天安门三君子"余志坚、喻东岳、鲁德成以及杨天水;2007年授予陈光诚、杨建利;2008年授予吕耿松、胡佳;2009年授予刘晓波、孙文广;2010年授予王炳章博士;2011年授予艾未未;2012年授予李旺阳;2013年授予朱承志;2014年授予刘贤斌、李承鹏;2015年授予高瑜;2016年授予张海涛、郭飞雄;2017年授予谢文飞。


Thursday, November 9, 2017

IFCSS Statement on the death of Mr. Yang Tianshui

The Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in the USA (IFCSS) has learnt that Mr. Yang Tongyan (pen name “Yang Tianshui”) had passed away before November 7, 2017 at an unidentified place in Jiangsu, China.

Yang Tianshui was awarded 2006 IFCSS Freedom Spirit Award together with “the Three Gentlemen of Tiananmen” who are Yu Zhijian, Yu Dongyue and Lu Decheng.  Mr. Yang Tianshui died in detention of the Chinese communist Party just one month ahead fully serving his second political sentence of 12 years.  Before his death Mr. Yang Tianshui was denied persistent pleas from his family members for medical treatment outside the jail.

Yang Tianshui is the third IFCSS Freedom Spirit Award winner who died this year, following Yu Zhijian (2006’ winner, who died at Indianapolis, IN on March 30, 2017) and Dr. Xiaobo LIU (2009’ winner, who died in detention at Shenyang, China on July 13, 2017).

IFCSS pays special tribute to Mr. Yang Tianshui's dedication to the freedom of China and his sacrifice for China's democratic cause.   IFCSS condemns the Chinese communists for illegally sentencing Yang Tianshui and murdering him in jail.       

IFCSS mourns for the death of Mr. Yang Tianshui and pays condolence to Yang Tianshui's relative for the loss of their love one.